September 21, 2011

Ombre, Ombre!

I was going to go with another color theme today, but decided to nix that and just focus on my latest obsession: OMBRE! A few years ago I purchased the cutest blue ombre cocktail dress. From then on I was hooked. How can you incorporate this look into a wedding? Look no further- here is your inspiration!


  1. You have NO IDEA how much I love ombre! Beautiful.

    This is Shardi from The Blushing Bride. I noticed that you signed up to win my "I DO" crystal shoe sticker giveaway. And I'm so happy that you did! However, I can't see that you're a follower of my blog. I can't allow people that aren't following my blog to enter. So, if you are NOT a follower, please head back over to my blog and FOLLOW ME so I can count your entries. If you are following, and I somehow missed you, please let me know! I really want you to have the chance to win and I appreciate you stopping by my blog. Much love! XO

  2. Hi Shardi ! I added you to be google reader so I should show as a follower. I also have you under my "blogs I'm following when I look at blogspot. Perhaps its just under my "blogspot" user name which is GIRLLIFE!

  3. Can you tell me what designer the runway photos are from?

  4. Sure! They are froma Lela Rose show!

