April 8, 2011

What we learn along the way....

So I started thinking about things I wish I knew 10 months ago when I started this whole Shibang. Things I already might do differently.... and then I took it to the knot, and asked all the August 2012 girls the same question. Call it a bit snarky or not.. but I hope it at least gives fellow brides and those involved a bit of a laugh!

Maybe it will help another bride realize, she's not really that insane. Or help an outsider understand why your soon to be wed friend is acting like a crazed bride-to-be.  And I am sure that after another year and a half of sweat and tears, and bargaining, and late night DIYing there will be plenty more to add.. but for now, here is "the list"

What all brides-to-be must know:

1. You will have to cut something, or a lot of things from your wedding. You will not "have the dream you always dreamed of" but you will have a more realistic version of it. After all, even Cinderella had her carriage turn back into a pumpkin at the end of the night...

2. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has an opinion about your wedding. Everyone has an opinion about your wedding they are willing to share, all the time. Be prepared. Keep wedding chit chat to a minimum especially with your Great Aunt you see twice a year that thinks its "so chic" to wear a long sleeved dress in late June.

3. The flowers you want are so pretty. Well take all the photos of the bouquets of the flowers you want... throw them out. The flowers you want likely aren't in season on your wedding day.

4 Your fiance, your mom, your MOH, your friends, your aunt, your FMIL---none of these people are even 50% as interested or invested in your wedding as you are. Ya, even your mom...seriously she doesn't care can't decide between dying your Crinoline light blue or sky blue-- she loves you very much though.

5. No one will notice the cocktail napkins were embossed by you. No one will say "the bride spent 5 hours embossing these, she did each napkin by hand". But you will know, so you should still do it and feel good about it.

6. You will be able to find good deals. But you will have to do a lot, I repeat  A LOT of research.

7. You will think you are getting a great deal on the venue/food pricing. Then you will find out at your second meeting, this price never included tax and gratuity. Then they will mention the tax is 30%. Why? You have no idea. Your $100pp meal just became $130pp in 5 minutes.

8. You'll rewrite your guest list many, many times. Your family will ask "Why do you need names so early?" (and in your head you will say "why doesn't anyone understand I need an estimated count for the vendors!!!" refer to #7 and #4). Then you will rewrite it again. And a week before invites go out someone from your or Fiance's family hands you a list of 5 people you've never met in your lives that you "absolutely can't forget".

9. Suddenly the most "googled" words on your computer are: Tulle, Calligraphy, Seating Charts, Vodka, Gold sugar glass rimmer (oh, sorry, that's just me!), and "ugliest" bridesmaids dresses (haha, jk). If you are even of the more crazy-bride type you will also have googled words like: Chargers, Manzanita Tree Branches, Pew Clips, Moss, Xyron Machines (again, maybe that's just me!)

10. Suddenly, 24 months, 18 months, 12 months-- no matter how long your engagement is...it is NOT nearly enough time to finish anything.

Special thanks to my ladies

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